2017年11月17日 星期五

tmux installation & easy guide

For Ubuntu

tmux installation

sudo apt-get install tmux

Easy Guide

1. Run tmux
2. All commands in tmux are triggered by a prefix key followed by a command key (quite similar to emacs). By default, tmux uses Ctrl-b as prefix key. Thus Ctrl-b simply means press the Ctrl and b keys at the same time.

3. Splitting panes
 Ctrl-b %  : split horizontal pane

 Ctrl-b "  : split vertical pane

4. Navigating panes
 Ctrl-b Left  : switch to left pane

 Ctrl-b Right  : switch to right pane

 Ctrl-b Up  : switch to up pane

 Ctrl-b Down  : switch to down pane

 Ctrl-b p  : switch to previous pane

 Ctrl-b n  : switch to next pane

5. Adjust pane size
 Ctrl-b Ctrl-Left  : resize horizontal pane

 Ctrl-b Ctrl-Right  : resize horizontal pane

 Ctrl-b Ctrl-Up  : resize vertical pane

 Ctrl-b Ctrl-Down  : resize vertical pane

 Ctrl-b z  : make a pane go full screen or to shrink it back to its previous size

6. Closing panes / window
 Ctrl-b d  or exit : close pane or window

Refer to

