2017年10月27日 星期五

Transfer Files/Folders in Linux Using SCP command

scp -Cpr  Source   Destination

ex: scp -Cpr jmt-lab91  tonychung@

You can use “-v” parameter to print debug information into the screen. It can help you debugging connection, authentication and configuration problems.

The “-p” parameter will help you on this. An estimated time and the connection speed will appear on the screen.

The “-C” parameter will compress your files on the go. The unique thing is the compression is only happen in the network. When the file is arrived to the destination server, it will returning into the original size as before the compression happen.

Sometimes we need to copy directory and all files / directories inside it. It will be better if we can do it in 1 command. SCP support that scenario using “-r” parameter.

If you choose not to see progress meter and warning / diagnostic messages from SCP, you may disable it using “-q” parameter.

