2022年3月27日 星期日

How to change the name of a user profile folder in Windows 10

1. Try to create a new account

2. Change the new account to administrator

3. Restart computer and login with new account

4. Rename c:/Users/"Old_Account"

5. Modify registry. In the Run prompt (press Win+ R ), type regedit and hit Enter.

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows NT \ CurrentVersion \ ProfileList \

6. Select ProfileList, click on the sub-key to find which ProfileImagePath is match your Old_Account, and then double-click ProfileImagePath string to open it. Rename Old_Account.

7. Modify registry to fix Users Folder error. In the Run prompt (press Win+ R ), type regedit and hit Enter.

Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\User Shell Folders

Double click to open the value data, and enter either of these: 



PS: multiple items need to be modified.

Click OK, and quit the Registry Editor.

Refer to:

1. https://www.tenforums.com/tutorials/89060-change-name-user-profile-folder-windows-10-a.html

2. https://www.itechguides.com/change-user-name-windows-10-rename-user-folder-windows-10/

Create a local user or administrator account in Windows

 Create a local user account

1. Select Start / Settings / Accounts / Family & other users

2. Select Add someone else to this PC

3. Select I don't have this person's sign-in information, and then select Add a user without a Microsoft account

4. Enter username, password, or password hint3. 

Modify account type to Administrator

1. Select Start / Settings / Accounts / Family & other users

2. Select the account name that you want to change, Select Change account type

3. Select Administrator, and then select OK

4. Sign in with the new administrator account

Command Line to get Win 7 / Win 10 / Win 11 system related information

1. Open cmd Terminal

2. Windows version 
    # winver

3.  local computer system information 

    # systeminfo

    # systeminfo | @find "開機時間"

4. Remote computer system information (limitation: Windows PC)

    # systeminfo / s {Remote IP}

5. Get MAC address

    # getmac

6. Get Remote PC MAC address (limitation: Windows PC)

    #getmac /s {Remote IP}

7. 查詢主機板廠商、主機板型號。

    #wmic baseboard get product,Manufacturer

8. 查詢主機板廠商、主機板型號、序號、版本號。

    # wmic baseboard get product,Manufacturer,version,serialnumber

9. 顯示作業系統Windows 10 序號

    # wmic path softwarelicensingservice get OA3xOriginalProductKey


    # ipconfig | find /i "IPv4"

11. use regedit to get Win10 product key

    「HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\SoftwareProtectionPlatform」

   to find BackupProductKeyDefault, it contains ProductKey



例如各大廠商如 HP、Acer 等,在電腦產品出貨前必須先寫入一組 BackupProductKeyDefault 來順利安裝系統與識別產品,這組序號僅供版本識別使用,沒有任何意義,隨後再把正式的序號寫入主機板中(OA3xOriginalProductKey),所以我們才可以用 CMD 來查詢。

另外一種狀況是,當自己重灌電腦或升級時,輸入一組通用序號來讓流程順利進行,這組序號也會寫入 BackupProductKeyDefault 值中。

12.  Microsoft Store,search「ShowKeyPlus」and install it.

     It may update window if your system is too old to install ShowKeyPlus. 

13. Windows system file check, administrator cmd 

     # sfc / scannow

Refer to:

1. https://adersaytech.com/kb-article/how-to-check-windows-product-key.html

2022年3月24日 星期四

What will happen if your windows do not activate ?

having limited access to some basic feature:

1. customize your display

2. crucial security updates, bug fixes, or patches

3. can't lock screen

4. you’ll be limited to the default wallpapers that come with Windows.

5. You can’t remove the default theme

6. You’ll have default fonts only

7. Your Start Menu settings can’t be configured

8. You can’t customize your taskbar

9. Activate Windows watermark

10. You’ll get persistent notifications to activate Windows 10

VirtualBox Keyboard Not Working on Windows 10

VirtualBox Keyboard Not Working on Windows 10

1. Open Windows Setting Manager

2. Search "Add or Remove"

3. Removed touch pad driver "SynTP"

4. Restart Windows 10

5. Open Device Manager to check Keyboard and Mouse driver

6. Open a Text File or cmd terminal to check keyboard function 

Refer to :

1. https://www.technipages.com/fix-vmware-keyboard-not-working-on-windows#:~:text=Quick%20Fixes&text=Click%20on%20the%20virtual%20machine's,can%20use%20it%20within%20VMWare.

2022年3月23日 星期三

Copy large file cause system hangs up on ubuntu

1. Edit /etc/sysctl.conf

2. Added

    vm.dirty_background_ratio = 2

    vm.dirty_ratio = 4

    vm.dirty_bytes = 15000000

3. # sudo sysctl -p 

It seems OK on my Ubuntu 20.04.4, 62GB RAM, AMD Ryzen 7 3700 8-core

Debug a large file copy caused system hangs up (for ubuntu)

 use iotop to debug I/O issue

1. # sudo apt-get install iotop

2. # sudo iotop

3. start another terminal

4. # sync

5. to monitor the process to see if it's hanging.

    # top

6. start another terminal, print free memory every 2 seconds

    # free -ms 2

7. Start another terminal, 

# sudo nohup free -ms 2 &> ~/Documents/log/free.log &

# sudo nohup top -b -d 5 &> ~/Documents/log/top.log &

# sudo nohup iotop -b -d 2 -o -t &> ~/Documents/log/iotop.log &

# iostat -x 1           or              collectl -sD

# atop

2022年3月19日 星期六

Win 7 / 10 查詢變更授權

Refer: https://read01.com/zh-tw/Le32AL.html#.YjUy9H9BxEY   

           (2016/05/13 來源:紅黑聯盟)

1. 以管理員身份執行 cmd

2. "slmgr.vbs -upk"  ---- 卸載證書

    "slmgr.vbs -rearm"則為重置電腦的許可證書狀態

3. 重新導入相關的OEM證書及Key

    slmgr.vbs -upkpb61
4. ex. 以管理員身份運行cmd,導入密鑰的命令(這裡以聯想的Ultimate為例):

slmgr.vbs -ipk 6K2KY-BFH24-PJW6W-9GK29-TMPWP

5. 導入證書的命令:

slmgr.vbs -ilc 證書路徑


slmgr.vbs -dli   (顯示許可證信息)

slmgr.vbs -xpr   (當前許可證狀態的截止日期)

slmgr.vbs -dlv   (顯示詳細的許可證信息)

slmgr.vbs -xpr

slmgr.vbs -ilc lenovo.oemcert.100036.xrm-ms

其它查看授權的方法:上網下載 slic toolkit 查看看 BIOS 有沒有windows 授權

2022年1月11日 星期二

Windows 10 彩盒版 (完整版 Full Version) (Retail) 與 隨機版 (OEM) 的使用限制

 Windows 10 彩盒版(完整版 Full Version) (Retail) 與 隨機版(OEM) 的使用

1. 隨機版(OEM): 輸入金鑰之後會綁定主機板,Win 10 build 1607 之後,若有用微軟帳號綁定轉成數位授權,則可以移機到新的主機

2. 數位版啟用授權之轉移同隨機版


(例如:原本是彩盒版 Win7 免費更新上 Win10,就會變成隨機版)

3. 彩盒版(完整版 Full Version) (Retail):理論上可以任意的移機,限制是同時只能有一台是合法使用。但實際上,微軟的伺服器好像會偵測安裝次數,可能被限制安裝次數,若有問題時,還是可打電話到微軟要求解決。最好保留購買的發票與彩盒金鑰


1. 若是使用隨機版(OEM),可考慮用微軟帳號綁定轉成數位授權,以後可以自由移機到新的主機,舊的會自動失效,不須事先取消綁定。先到微軟網站,登入你的帳號,查看帳戶有沒有連結授權。

2. 隨機版(OEM)不綁定微軟帳號轉成數位授權,要先取消綁定主機板授權,然後,才可以移動授權到新的主機板


彩盒版 = 可單機序號啟動+轉移、可綁定MS帳號啟動+轉移

隨機版 = 可單機序號啟動(不可轉移)、可綁定MS帳號啟動(不可轉移),
後來被發現微軟啟動規則BUG,才出現 [隨機版綁定MS帳號啟動+轉移] 的方法


上網下載 slic toolkit 查看看 BIOS 有沒有windows 授權

可用 DOS Prompt 的 slmgr 查看是 Retail, OEM or Volume

slmgr /dli

refer to :

1. https://www.lifewire.com/slmgr-command-4684499

2. https://www.windowscentral.com/how-determine-if-license-oem-retail-volume-windows-10

3. https://softwarekeep.com/help-center/how-to-plug-in-your-product-key-with-slmgr-and-slui

4. https://www.mobile01.com/topicdetail.php?f=300&t=5484013&p=2

5. https://www.mobile01.com/topicdetail.php?f=300&t=6394804