2018年1月1日 星期一

Raspberry Pi install chinese input and font

1. Config locale

sudo raspi-config
2. Select "Internationalisation Options"
3. Select "Change Locale"
4. Select "en_US.UTF-8" & "zh_TW.UTF-8", and Press "OK"
5. Select "en_US.UTF-8"  or  "zh_TW.UTF-8"  for console
6. Install 酷音中文輸入法

sudo apt-get install scim-chewing
7.  Install 文泉驛微米黑, 文泉驛正黑, 文泉驛點陣宋體 中文字型

sudo apt-get install ttf-wgy-microhei ttf-wgy-zenhei xfonts-wgy
8. Restart

Refer to:

Installing Raspberry Pi Image

1. Format SD card to FAT32
2. Download NOOBS from https://www.raspberrypi.org/downloads/
3. Unzipped NOOBS and copy all files to SD root directory
4. Boot Raspberry Pi with SD card
5. Select Raspbian image to install in SD card